100% Vegan Shampoo and Cruelty-Free

The Difference Between

100% Vegan Shampoo and Cruelty-Free

100% Vegan Shampoo

There are a lot of claims that are made on products these days. From the food you buy to the beauty products you use, every label is packed with words like “natural,” “organic,” and “effective.” While certain organizations are working to ensure that what brands advertise is actually true, the terms have still, for the most part, remained a bit foggy. This means that what one brand advertises as “organic” might be completely different from what another means when they say it.

All of which, unfortunately, leads to a lot of confusion for the consumer.

When you are shopping for 100% vegan shampoo, you will likely come across the term “cruelty free” frequently. In fact, you’ll see “cruelty free” advertised on lots of products that aren’t vegan. This means that finding a brand that claims to be “cruelty free” might not make them a great choice if you’re looking for a product that is 100% vegan.

So, what’s the difference between 100% vegan and cruelty free? How can you be sure you’re finding the best vegan shampoo or other beauty products when you are shopping?

Below is a breakdown between the two terms, which should help you navigate your purchased a bit more easily, helping you find brands that are both 100% vegan and, of course, cruelty free.

What does “cruelty free” mean on a label?

So, you’ve found a beauty product you love and are happy to see that little bunny logo, which is supposed to signify that it’s produced cruelty free. However, seeing the bunny logo, or even reading “cruelty free” on a label, doesn’t necessarily signify that the product hasn’t been created without being tested on animals.

Unfortunately, companies are able to use the cruelty free designation if their final product has not been tested on animals. However, single ingredients, like certain chemicals and fragrances, can be animal-tested without them having to lose their little bunny logo. Additionally, it’s legal for a company to say that they “Do Not Test on Animals,” even if they contract animal testing out to other brands. It’s kind of like being able to say, “I’ve never hurt anyone,” but hiring your dirty work out to a hitman.

Not good.

Thankfully, organizations, like Leaping Bunny Program, are helping consumers to see through brands that are misusing the label by creating their own lists and designations, which only recognize products that truly are cruelty free on every level.

So, unless you are using an independent third party to navigate the cruelty-free labels, it’s important to know that not all cruelty-free products are vegan. In fact, many brands that don’t test on animals (so are technically “cruelty free”) actually use animal products in their products.

So, what does “vegan” mean on a label?

Buying a product that is labeled as vegan means that no animal products or by-products are found in the ingredients. This means that the product you are buying, like vegan shampoo, is likely plant-based or mineral-based instead. Unlike animal-infused products, vegan products use natural ingredients that actually heal and protect skin, making them a safer choice for people with sensitivities.

The majority of vegan brands are quite different from other brands because they are proud of the products they are creating. When you find a company that creates 100% vegan shampoo and other beauty products, they are much more likely to be transparent and friendly. Their ingredients are easily found, even showcased, as they have nothing to hide. Furthermore, they are happy to answer your questions. For most vegan brands, your questions will be easy to answer. If you find that a company has a hard time answering questions about animal testing, for example, it’s likely that they are hiding something.

The benefit of 100% vegan products

When you find a vegan brand you can trust, you will be confident that everything, from the ingredients to the production, is done consciously, putting your health and the well-being of animals first. So while the “cruelty-free” label can be abused, a company that advertises as 100% vegan is what it says it is. And, if they aren’t, they won’t be around long.

Advertising that a product is 100% vegan is telling the world that the brand and the company who makes it is committed to creating products that are healthy, natural, and cruelty-free.

About Birch3

Birch3 was born in Canada in 2016, with a simple plan. Create the very best, Canadian made, plant-based vegan hair care products. By focusing on 100% vegan ingredients, we wanted to help people move toward an earth-friendly lifestyle. With powerful actives that add strength and shine, we bring dull hair back to health. And our gorgeous fragrances make shampooing an aromatic experience. With our policy never to use ingredients or formulas that are animal tested we have the PETA seal of approval.
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